Some basic planning terms and concepts - via Becky Ayech
Below are some common terms used in Sarasota planning, compiled by longtime activist Becky Ayech. Becky is chair of the Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida (ECOSWF), and is currently working to protect Old Miakka from being overrun by the expansion of Lakewood Ranch to the East. QUASI-JUDICIAL In the 1980’s, there was a court decision that said rezones and special exceptions are concerned to be quasi-judicial. This meant it is like a court but not as stringent. The decision stated that “facts” not “numbers of people” were what the commissioners would base their decision. (Note: Attorney Richard Grosso will be speaking to ECOSWF about the nature of Quasi-Judicial testimony on January 19, 2025.) COMP PLAN Sarasota’s Comprehensive Plan is the vision for the future. It draws upon the core principles of each chapter to help ensure that growth is directed in a manner that is sus...