Revival: Local News and Strategic Neighborhood Connections

Part of what has gone quite wrong in Sarasota County is the loss of daily, detailed, in-depth local news. It's more difficult for neighbors and communities to share and connect when the information we all care about is paltry, diversionary, or non-existent.

So it's a good sign when a local radio station sets itself to build a strictly local news team. Given the rather notorious news Sarasota has been attracting recently, the timing is propitious.

WSLR is building a dedicated local radio news team -- given that SCAN's goal is to connect our communities in aid of regaining our rightful role in public planning, it's great to know someone is taking the trouble to pay attention. 

WSLR is also inviting all of us to a series of workshops beginning January 30 for those who wish to learn more about a) how community journalism works, b) how to participate, and c) how it can help us all connect. 

Here's WSLR's coverage of our January 17th meeting.


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