SCAN: MIssion Statement: Principles of Public Planning

SCAN Mission

Our aim is to promote good governance and to enhance the public health, safety, and preservation of the quality of life for residents, visitors, and property owners countywide through educational awareness, advocacy and public testimony.

We affirm these principles of public-oriented planning:

  1. Sarasota County can accommodate sensible growth managed in a responsible, equitable and sustainable manner. It can protect existing property rights while ensuring no harm occurs to neighbors, neighborhoods, or to the overall community health, welfare, and quality of life.

  2. The County's Comprehensive Plan shall remain the statement of public policy that embodies the values and vision agreed upon by the people, county staff, the developers and the Board. Any changes should be based upon sound planning principles.

  3. Development proposals should undergo diligent and rigorous review to protect public health, safety, and welfare.

  4. Public notices of impactful projects must ensure that all impacted residents and businesses receive notification one month prior to a hearing.

  5. The county website must be redesigned to provide residents who consult the site with clear, easy-to-find, up-to-date information related to residences, the environment, roads and other necessities.

  6. Sarasota County must restructure the notification process so that information about changes -- rezones, comp plan amendments, special exceptions and more -- are proactively shared. Clarify why any change is suggested, and what prompted it. Notice must be given to every county resident at least one month prior to any hearing. 

  7. Agendas and materials for the County Commission and Planning Commission need to be published two weeks prior to the meetings.

  8. Neighborhood workshops require advanced notification and must return to the in-person format. Notices should link to the staff’s in-depth analysis and to the developer’s proposal. Online access will only be offered as an adjunct to the in-person meeting.

  9. The public hearing agenda should be set, and the order of items on the agenda should be strictly observed with no impromptu last-minute changes by the board. 5:01 hearings are recommended so working people can attend.

  10. County staff must provide a clear, contextual overview of planned future development, including new roads, housing, commerce, industry, agriculture, and preservation projects so all residents can understand potential impacts.

  11. Both the Planning Commission and County Commission should include a time segment after the public has spoken for commissioners or appropriate county staff to respond to questions posed.

Following best practices will enable Sarasota County and its citizens to collaborate openly, in good faith, to preserve and protect our dwelling place and its environmental assets.


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