Elements of the Sarasota County Planning Process

The local planning process in Florida used to be subject to review by Regional Planners and the State's former Dept. of Community Affairs. Rick Scott began dismantling this regulatory structure in 2010. Now the local County (or city) Commissions are the primary deciders of developer petitions.

The basic steps any development proposal must take:

Neighborhood Workshops - Provide an overview of a newly proposed development to the people living near where the project would be built. Notification issues. Formerly always in person, now on Zoom. 

DRC - Development Review Coordination: Various County Departments inform the developer of what the county will require for the Petition to meet minimal standards of completeness.

Planning Commission (PC) - After the DRC, the vetted proposal is presented to the PC, an appointed board of Realtors, builders, marketeers, and other industry insiders.

The PC can vote to recommend approval or denial of a proposal, but its decision is advisory, and the BCC need not accept it.

Board of County Commissioners (BCC): This five-person elected local Board has the sole power to approve or deny a developer’s Petition, subject to state review

Public hearings used to be scheduled for set times - often at 5:01 pm to allow working people to attend. This is no longer the case.

BCC Email: 

All: Commissioners@scgov.net

Mark Smith:       MHSmith@scgov.net

Mike Moran:       MMoran@scgov.net

Neal Rainford:    NRainford@scgov.net

Joe Neunder      JNeunder@scgov.net

Ron Cutsinger:   RCutsinger@scgov.net

Useful Links

Sarasota County Planning:


Planning and Development Services (PDS) Calendar: https://www.scgov.net/government/planning-and-development-services/pds-calendar

Matt Osterhoudt: MOsterho@scgov.net  - head of county planning

Planner of the Day: Planner@ScGov.net  - for a quick answer, whoever is on call will respond.

County Administrator Jonathan Lewis: JRLewis@scgov.net

Planning Commissioners - Emails here.


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