LTE: Classical Academy: Residents, staff no match for developer

Letter to the Editor, Herald Tribune, May 14, 2024:

On April 26, the Herald-Tribune told us about the ways area developers cultivate influence with Sarasota County elected officials and staff (“Documents show close contacts between major developers and Sarasota County officials”). On the front page May 2, we learned why this matters.

Local residents opposed plans to add dozens of “modular” schoolrooms (aka trailers) to a private school campus on Bee Ridge Road. The county’s own zoning administrator and a special magistrate agreed with the neighbors and found that the proposal violated the school developer’s submitted site plans.

So having heard clearly from residents and their own staff, what do the Sarasota County commissioners do? Ignore them all and approve the plans on a 4-1 vote (“Area private school wins debate on growth”),

As they once again reject their own constituents and qualified planning professionals, it’s fair to ask: Whom are they working for?  

Ben Abramson, Venice


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