LWV of Manatee offers good advice to voters in all elections



Elections present voters with important choices. How will these local races affect you and your community? It’s a time to consider the issues that you care about and decide which candidate you support. But how do voters go about comparing and then judging the candidates? All too often slogans, controversy and personality are all that come through in campaign materials. However, it is possible to move beyond style and toward substance. Check out these steps to help you judge a candidate and make the best choice for you on Election Day.

Qualities Important to Consider in Selecting an Elected Representative

When selecting an elected representative, the following qualities are important to consider:

  1. Integrity and Ethics: A track record of honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior, prioritizes the public interest over special interests and personal gain.
  2. Experience and Knowledge: Relevant experience in public service, community leadership, or a related field, knowledge of local issues and government operations, is active in the community.
  3. Vision and Leadership: The ability to articulate a clear vision for the future and inspire others, with strong leadership skills necessary to navigate complex decisions and lead effectively.
  4. Collaboration and Communication: works well with others, including fellow elected officials, citizens and the community, able to communicate clearly and listen to diverse perspectives.
  5. Commitment to Public Service: Demonstrates a genuine commitment to serving the community and improving residents' quality of life.
  6. Problem-Solving Skills: Demonstrates analytical thinking, creativity, and a pragmatic approach to problem-solving.
  7. Accountability and Responsiveness: Accountable to the public, responsive to constituents' concerns, and willing to explain their decisions, ensures taxpayer dollars are used efficiently.

Qualities Important to Consider in Selecting a School Board Member

When selecting a school board member, the following qualities are important to consider:

  1. Knowledge of District: Lives in the district and is active in the community.
  2. Leadership: Possesses high ethical standards, strong organizational and communication skills and the ability to compromise.
  3. Knowledge of Public Education and Related Issues: Supports public education, understands impact of school board decisions, understands current issues facing public education, understands budget process, and may have public education experience.
  4. Fairness and Ability to Represent Many Points of View: Supports all students & families, regardless of background, ability, sexual orientation, and gender identity, accountable to students, teachers/staff, parents, and community members, open to various stakeholders’ input when making school board policies, committed to making decisions based on fact - not on personal or religious beliefs or party affiliation.
  5. Transparency: Participates in candidate forums and voter guides to inform the public of their views.

Qualities Important to Consider in Selecting a Supervisor of Elections

When selecting a supervisor of elections, the following qualities are important to consider:

  1. Knowledge of Election Law: A deep understanding of election statutes and rules is crucial.
  2. Management Skills: The ability to conduct public elections, manage staff, and oversee the election process efficiently.
  3. Integrity: Maintaining the integrity of the electoral process and ensuring that elections are credible, fair and transparent.
  4. A supervisor of elections should be nonpartisan.
  5. Communication Skills: Effective oral and written communication skills are necessary for interacting with the public, candidates, and other officials.
  6. Technical Proficiency: Familiarity with election equipment, computer systems, network and system security, and data entry is essential.
  7. Problem-Solving Skills: Demonstrates analytical thinking, creativity, and a pragmatic approach to problem-solving and adapting to change.
  8. Additional Qualities: has the ability to handle high-pressure situations. It’s also beneficial if they are proactive in community outreach and voter educationContinuous learning and adapting to new challenges in the electoral process are also key aspects of a competent election supervisor.

Qualities Important to Consider in Selecting a Property Appraiser

When selecting a county property appraiser, the following qualities are important to consider:

  1. Knowledge of Real Estate: A deep understanding of real estate values, market trends, and property evaluation methods, familiarity with appraisal techniques and valuation principles.
  2. Integrity and Ethics: Adheres to ethical standards and maintains impartiality to ensure fairness and trust in processes.
  3.  Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential for explaining appraisal methods, findings, and decisions to property owners, stakeholders, and the public.
  4. Problem-Solving: The ability to resolve disputes and handle challenging appraisal scenarios.
  5. Legal Knowledge: Familiarity with relevant state and local laws, regulations, and procedures governing property appraisals is necessary, as well as understanding of assessment practices, tax laws, and property rights.
  6. Customer Service Orientation: A customer-focused approach, listens to concerns and provides helpful information.
  7. Commitment to Professional Development: Evolves with changes in real estate markets, technology and regulations, committed to learning.

How to Research the Candidates

Voters guides and candidate forums allow voters to compare candidates side-by-side, helping them make more educated decisions. Learn where candidates running for office in your area stand on the issues, and about the ballot measures on your ballot using non-partisan voters guides and viewing candidate forums.

The League of Women Voters has assembled links to non-partisan voting guides, including their own. Click here for links to voters guides and other election information.

Click here for videos of candidate forums, not only from the League, but Tiger Bay and more. Watching candidate forums provides direct insights into each candidate’s policies, values, and communication skills.


August 20, 2024 Primary Election

  • Voter Registration Deadline: Monday, July 22, 2024
  • Deadline to request a Vote by Mail ballot to be mailed: Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 5:00 pm
  • Early Voting: Saturday, August 10, 2024 through Saturday, August 17, 20248:30 am to 6:00 pm daily Click here for Early Voting Locations
  • Deadline for Vote by Mail ballot to be received by the Supervisor of Elections: Tuesday, August 20, 2024 by 7:00 pm
  • Election day: Tuesday, August 20, 2024  Polls open 7:00 am - Polls Close 7:00 pm

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The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels.


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