One of many moments when Sarasota's Board weakened planning

Read and weep - Dan Lobeck describes the unethical destruction of planning rules that had been controlling growth for some time in Sarasota -

Here's one telling example:
Deletes the current prohibition of development in a 100 year floodplain which would adversely affect the function of the floodplains and degrade water body quality, by allowing that development so long as it is “mitigated”, a very loose and weak standard.  [Policy 1.2.4(B)]

Here's another:
Deletes the policy which states, “Establish a system to measure new developments and determine whether the developments employ smart growth principles to help promote a sustainable community.” (Former Policy 4.1.2, was previously proposed a Policy 3.2.6 but is now proposed to be deleted)

#planning #weaknesses #dumbingdown #developercontrol


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