If you care about the Celery Fields as a healthy public amenity for humans and wildlife, tell the Sarasota County Planning Commission that you oppose Rezone Petition RZ 23-30 . The Petition would give DR Horton the opportunity to build 170 homes on the Smith Farm property, yards away from the Raymond Road Boardwalk and a critical nesting area: Smith Farm is the light green - steps away from the Raymond Rd. Bird Walk and Nesting Area. Virtually the entire Farm property is a floodplain. Below, the FEMA map indicates that a very large portion of the Farm, showing in blue, is AE - which means it's in the 100-year floodplain. The grey area is in the 500-year floodplain: Smith Property: FEMA Flood Map According to the Comprehensive Plan, the county is not supposed to approve dense housing in a floodplain. The reasons might be obvious after this hurricane season: Smith Farm under feet of water the day after Debby THREE THINGS TO DO: 1. WRITE to the Planning Commission ( planner@scgov.ne