Independent Groups Spring Up in Venice, North Port: Meet them April 24

Our April 24 SCAN meeting will be at Jacaranda Library, starting at 6 pm, and the Agenda will consist of updates from our SCAN group, followed by three groups doing remarkable work in North Port and Venice:

In North Port, Barbara Lockhart is building an organization that is serious about saving land, and makes it possible to purchase land to conserve. Lockhart's group raised over $23,000 in the recent Giving Challenge:

Barbara Lockhart, Environmental Conservancy of North Port

In Venice a group of citizens, concerned that the city's distinctive John Nolen-designed city was being threatened by over-development, created Venice Thrives. One of their first initiatives was to put to City Council candidates one simple question: Would they agree not to accept "Dark Money" contributions to their campaigns? When two incumbents refused to sign the pledge, they lost their seats. And quite recently the City Council voted 4-3 against developer Pat Neal's proposal to increase the density of one of his newest developments in the fast-growing north Venice area. 

Jan Vertefeuille and other founders of Venice Thrives

The North Venice Neighborhood Alliance (NVNA) has organized residents to oppose over development in North Venice, including Pat Neal's plan to plow under a 10.3-acre wetland to build a Publix. They've appealed the City Council's decision to the 12th Circuit Court, where a judge's decision is awaited. NVNA also organized support for two city council candidates who won their elections against candidates supported by the developers.  

If you know of a growth issue in your neighborhood, and people are trying to do something about it, we want to hear about it. Contact SCAN -  


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